viernes, 17 de agosto de 2018

Changes to my study programme

Well, in general, I like the subjests that I have in the career because that include the big majority of social science matter.
However, and as always happen in the careers in general, not all the subjects still be good for the career, this fact, many times is not vey comfortable.  
A lot of friends think as my career is very relaxed and very easy, mainly because my timetable, but it's not true because there are too many texts to read daily, addend the investigation work, the articles, the works in group, etc.
As for the faculty of social science, I can say that I have learned to love. At the beginning of the career I hate the faculty because I found of very horrible and fairly friendly. Now I like a little more. One of things that I love of this year is that in the faculty they put hot and cold water machines (for my tea <3).
In terms of thecnology, the faculty of social science it's not characterizes for a good technology and in general it's not characterizes for having a lot of money (in comparison with ethers facultys). This characteristic is very important and it can be observed with regard to infrastructure and technology that it counts. For example, the faculty doesn't have of a large number of computers in compariso with the number of the students. Anothe example is the low nomber of computers with the program SPSS.
With the teachins methods, in general are good, except for some teachers.

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