lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Obstetric violence

With the time and with the step of the years, the violence in the society is still happening. This violence, in many times, it's not to make visible. One of this type of violence is the obstetric violence. 
In many times, the pregnancy it's socially seen as a very beautiful period, but in many times, the most of population and even the mothers, it's not informed about the violence produced in the period of pregnancy, labour and post labour. In this cases, the violence it's produced for the doctors and nurses of the field of the health and in many times the mothers never known as theirs are victims of obstetric violence.
The cases and accounts of this violence are infinites and heartbreaking and even more today, thess cases continue in the hospitals and in the places of pregnancies. This kind of violence must be ended in Chile and in the world.  

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018

Bio Data

Sofía Pizarro Núñez was born in Santiago, December first, 1998. She is a student of second year of Social Work at Universidad de Chile. When she was a child, she lived 5 years in Curico and then she lived in Santiago, in the commune of San Jose de Maipo. Sofía end her study of the school in the Liceo Bicentenario San Pedro of Puente Alto. During her stay in this place, she is distinguished for the good mark and a great academic achievement.

In 2017, she was accepted at Universidad de Chile (University of a big prestige in Chile) in the career of Social Work. In this place, she learns a big variety of matter for the diversity of subjects of the career, for example, epistemology, sociology, stadistics, economy, philosophy, history and diversity subjects related to the social. She has a very good mark during the 3 semester, showed a big sacrifice and interest for her subjects, showed a progress in the time. She distinguished in subject as economy, epistemology and Sociology

In extracurricular activities, Sofía Pizarro also stands out. When she was a child, she start to made sports (yoga and volleyball), and one of her hobbies was read and write articles and story 



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