lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018


      In a context where the people deprived of liberty are the elements unwanted and with less advantages, the topic of social reintegration is very important with the Chilean Society. In this context, the social worker took an important role for the reintegration of people deprived of liberty

During the lasts six weeks I worked in a project of social reintegration in a jail in the north of Chile. 
In this Job I helped to the professional in this area (and my teacher in the class of methodology of investigations). 

Experiences and recommendation 
My experiences in this place were positive but difficult for the place: the injustices of the context are problematic.
I recommend this experiences for the future student because was a very rewarding experience and I learned to much of this topic and of this place and the injustices of this. 

I helped by professor to the activities and to his investigative project in the Jail. I knowed the context to the people deprived of liberty and I realized reports of this. For the other hand, I know the language of the persons of this place. These experiences expand my personal experiences and broadened.

This area of social work is very important for the social intervention because cause an important impact in the people deprive of liberty. The most time, this people suffer exclusion even in the jail. The injustices are a big problem of Chile, who don't provide the necessary means

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018

How things work

The clock 

Since the beginning of the start, the technological object has been an important influenced in the life of the people. These objects with the time have an important progress, improve the most of time the lives of people and make easier her lives in a normal day.  
In this case, I was talking about a important technological object: a clock. 
In the history of the humanity, the human have been the necessity of measure the time. For this, her invented the schedule, an a variety of things for organize her day, for example, the time of lunch, the time of sleep, the time of work, etc. In this context, and consider this necessity is as be born the clock, on instrument capable of know the time. The first clock was invented for the egiptian, their consider the sun as a clock, because depended of the position, the egiptian knowed the aproximate hour before the night. Then, the egiptian invented the water clock, aproximate has 4 thousand years ago.
Exist an different types of clocks, but the majority have needed 5 elements for function: energy, gear assembly, system of escape, organ controller and the sign of the time. 
This device is very important for the people because it's a object for measure the time and organize the day. The world lives depeding of schedule, and the clock make easier this work. 
In conclusion, the clock in the time have a very important object with the human and probably, it go on been. Existe a different types of clocks, but all of them fulfil the same objective. 


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